is s a natural function of the body just like digestion and circulation. It has
two aspects physical and functional.
Video 1.1 Andal Fertility treatments
Conception =
Physical + Functional
Egg (Immune + Hormone)
Tube ↓
Diet + exercise ↓
Family, Society, Self
Fig 1.1 Role of fertility and conception
Physical factors:
It comprises egg, tubes, thyroid, Prolactin hormones, haemoglobin in
female and semen parameters in male. All physical factors can be assessed
through tests and treatment can be monitored.
Functional aspect:
The factors that are required and used to be follows
1) Immune
factor-the quality of egg and sperm.
2) Hormone
function-interplay of FSH, LH, estrogen and progesterone.
Earlier (50 years ago) the natural conception rate was high and
abortion rate was low. Now it’s the reverse. Egg and sperm quality are affected
by the food we consume.
Hormone function:
The process
of conception is a natural function. The coordinated functions of ovary, tube
and uterus culminate in conception. Hormones function comprises of perfect
balance of hormones FSH and LH, estrogen and progesterone. FSH and LH are released from the pituitary gland in the
brain and The pituitary is controlled by hypothalamus in the brain, which is
the seat of emotions. So hypothalamus is
the final remote control; the hormones seem to dance to the tunes of the
Fig 1.2 Hormonal Functions
Emotions on
(Not thinking about pregnancy)
Stress ----Delay in
Positive mind set---- Quick and easy
when we
don’t think about pregnancy occurs naturally
at the rate of 10-20% per month that’s how when 100 couples are married , 80-90 % conceive naturally in
one year without treatment.
Fig 1.3 Child in Mothers womb
When we are
under stress (anxious, worried, depressed) and negative belief,--stress
hormones are released that disturb normal hormone balance and delay
the conception.
Stress -----.>acute stress-exam, financial,
marital conflict, acute stress hormones—adrenaline and nor adrenaline.
stress-daily hassles
stress hormones—Cortisol.
When we are
happy, confident, secure ,positive belief --happy hormones
(b- endorphin and serotonin) are
released-they enhance conception. So quick and easy will be the conception. It
only has to be seen to be believed.
Thyroid and
Prolactin hormonal variations also influence this Reproductive hormonal balance.
Fig 1.4 Starting Conception Stage
Let me share
my experiences about how I learnt the impact of stress and diversion on
One day hyma married for 7 years came with +ve
pregnancy test. And I was surprised at it. She had been taking treatment from
so many doctors for the past 3 to 4 years. She was very desperate about her
pregnancy and her physical factors were normal.
Fig 1.5 Emotional Health and Pregnancy
She said for the last 2 months she was very busy in the marriage arrangements of her sister-in-law. There were no elders in the family; so she
was totally involved and exhausted that there was no time to think bout pregnancy.
She asked me one pertinent question “ when I was taking treatment why I did not
conceive, when I stopped treatment how I
could conceive so easily” That question left me perplexed and then I started
the search. With in 3 weeks I had three similar cases like hyma .
In These cases there was common factor of
distraction resulting in conception. One lady was actively involved in house
construction. Another was busy in the preparation of exam. The third one lost
her brother suddenly in an accident and
in bereavement reaction. After seeing all these conceptions.
Fig 1.6 |Fetal Devleopment
I realized
these conception were not accidental or coincidental .there must have been a
conducive atmosphere that facilitated conception. It occurred to me that it was
the expectation, anxiety and stress that
prevented conception to occur(when physical factors are alright).
Video 1.2 Excess Oestrogen and pregnancies
Every one
conceives only when she is not thinking about it. That means it is the natural
function of the body just like digestion and other metabolic activities.
interfere with conception by our negative thoughts .when we stop thinking
negatively we allow the body function naturally. This gave me lot of relief and
immense confidence.
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