Thursday, 19 January 2017

Guide The Medicine of Mother’s breast milk – a miracle elixir

The  TWO real  gifts a mom gives to her baby are

1. Birth
2. Breast milk

In  our tradition mother’s milk is extolled as divine nectar

 A poet says ‘the most miraculous act of GOD is, keeping milk ready for  the un born baby”

It is not only an act of taking food, but a powerful way of improving Emotional bond with the most important person in our lives –“OUR MOTHER”.

                                           Fig 1.1 Brest Feeding mother to a Baby

We all know breast milk is clean, easily digestible and has anti infective properties (protects from infections); and mom’s milk is the best one for babies.

Let us see other benefits of breast milk:– Both to the babies  and mother.

To the baby:

Short term benefits:

Breast fed babies are less prone for respiratory (cold and cough) infections and diarrhea.

Long term benefits:

Research studies have shown breast feeding enhances brain development and increases IQ ,  because it contains omega-3 fatty acids.

Fig 1.2 Pregnancy Care and Brest Feed 

These babies are less prone to have obesity, diabetes mellitus, eczema, asthma and allergic diseases in later life.

Benefits to the mother:

 Reduces the post delivery bleeding and anemia.
 Helps delay next pregnancy.
 It has protective effect over ovarian and breast cancer
 Decreases the osteoporosis ( softening of bones ).


Fig 1.3 Baby Milk supplied from Mother

The initial milk is thick and yellowish; it is called Colostrum. It is highly nutritive and provides resistance to the baby against various infections. After a few days the milk becomes gradually watery. It contains of 2 parts. Fore milk and hand milk.

Fore milk : It  is first   1st portion of  milk  and is  watery and thin;  it quenches the thirst of the baby.

Hind milk : It is the last portion of milk;    it  is thick and  contains more fat ;it gives energy and appeases hunger of the baby.


Fig 1.4 Baby Milk Age and Nutrition 

Milk production :

It consists of 2 stages:
1) Milk formation
2) Milk ejection

When baby suckles mother’s nipples, nerves are stimulated, signals are sent tobrain and Prolactin hormone is produced, which helps in milk formation.
So frequent suckling helps in adequate milk production.
Ejection and flow of milk to the baby from the breast, is due to another hormone oxytocin.

Fig 1.5 Milk Production and After Pregnancy 

Oxytocin is released due to :

Sucking of the baby at the nipple

Fig 1.6 Sucking Mother Milk From the Mother 

Mental state of the mother- happy, lovingly thinking of baby, being confident about breast feeding helps in adequate milk supply.
If the mother is anxious and worried that she is not getting sufficient milk, oxytocin reflex is inhibited and milk ejection will be affected.

Good lactation practice: (2 steps)

Proper positioning of baby:
Baby’s neck is straight or slightly bent & whole body is supported
Baby is  turned towards mother
Eye contact between mother and baby established

Proper attachment :

1.Baby’s mouth should catch hold of areola(black part around nipple)
2.Only then when baby suckles, milk flows in to baby’s mouth.
3.When baby is poorly attached breast milk is not effectively transferred and it may seem that milk is not enough.
4.If baby catches only nipple, due to Pressure of sucking - sore nipple ,later cracked nipple occurs. 
5.Factors affecting the breast feeding:
6.When First breast feed is delayed- sometimes it is difficult to establish milk production later.
7.In frequent breast feeding leads to decrease on Prolactin formation, decreased milk production.
8.Improper positioning and attachment
9.Use of bottles and pacifiers  leads to nipple confusion .so baby refuses to suckle the breast

Fig 1.7 Mother Milk Feed Thro cup

Checking About Enough Milk:

1.Adequate weight gain of the baby
2.Passing urine more than six times a day (in 24 hours)     

The Baby gets enough breast feed:

1.Be confident.
2.Ensure that the baby sucks enough and frequently.
3.See that the baby sucks effectively in a correct position.

Video 1.1 Mother Feed and pregnancy 

Diets to produce sufficient milk:

Cereals and their products, milk and milk products, eggs, meat, fish, poultry and plant protein , like pulses, legumes, nuts and oilseeds. Green leafy vegetables, carrot, beetroot and Fruits,Spices:  Fenugreek, Fennel, Cumin Seeds, Garlic, Bread, Rice

2) Plenty of water / liquids (90% of milk contains water)
3) Adequate sleep resulting in proper hormone balance.
4) Adequate Hemoglobin status (anemia results in lactation failure, as blood is     converted to milk)

Storage  of milk :

Breast milk can be stored in a refrigerator for 24 hours and at room temperature for 8 hours.

a Refrigerated breast milk should not be heated, as it will destroy protective substances.
b.It should be brought to room temperature before being fed by a cup.


Helping the wife with child care, so that she can rest.
Making the wife feel good about herself by praising her job as a mother Avoid :

He  should not doubt on the wife s ability to provide    enough milk  for the baby
In case he smokes, he should not smoke in baby's room.

video 2.1 Pregnancy  Treatments 

Let all Mothers have strong intention to feed the baby with love & positive thoughts, so that all future citizens will bring Health, Joy, Peace & Prosperity to Mother Earth.

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